Year 10 Courses

Welcome to the Year 10 Course Overview

Year 10 is the introduction to Senior School for our students, as they begin the second half of their schooling journey. From this point forward, students begin to explore what their possible future career pathways may begin to look like and work towards setting themselves up for the Subject Selection process in Year 11 that takes them down a variety of pathways.

The aim for every Year 10 student should be to do their best across all their subjects to give themselves as many options as possible in the next final years of schooling.

Year 10 can be expected to be more demanding than Year 9 in relation to the subjects studied. Students must consistently apply themselves fully in each of their classes and with their home study. Students will continue to study the core subjects of Religion. English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Health and Physical Education plus will select two electives that run for the whole year, four periods a week.

Please note that students are not required to select any of the Sport Academies as an elective option. These electives will be allocated after selection trials are finalised.

We encourage all parents/guardians to spend time with their child looking through the different electives available in Year 10 as the time commitment form students is significant and changes will not be possible once they have started in Year 10 as classes and timetables are created based on the choices students make now.

For more information regarding each of the electives, please contact the relevant Director or Head of Learning Area.

Contact Information
Mr Ernesto Ayala
Deputy Principal of Teaching & Learning