Year 8


In year 7-9 music, students get hands-on experience learning how to play a range of instruments and voice. Students will learn to listen, practice and perform music on various instruments, as well as have the chance to perform music together in whole-class bands and smaller groups (If you’re thinking “This sounds a bit like School of Rock”, you’re on the right track!). Students will keep track of their learning in a creative journal, wherein they will reflect on the processes used to learn music and gain a better understanding of the theory and practical elements of music required to play music at a high standard! 

More information regarding curriculum content can be found here

Year 9 Options: 

Students choosing music in year 9 have the choice of two study areas. Each area runs for one semester (two terms). Students who choose both options will have music in both semester 1 and 2.  

Option 1 – Rock Appreciation: Find out more about a genre or style of music that interests you!  

Learn about the history and important figures that defined rock and pop music. Choose the songs you want to study and perform, while focusing on an instrument of choice to develop your technical and performance skills. Study the theory closely associated with your genre of music and learn how to use it to your advantage to form your own musical identity!  

Students’ chosen repertoire will include solo and ensemble performance pieces. 

Option 2 – Pop Song Writing: Let your inner voice be heard in this course on song writing! Learn how to use music to tell a story and move your audience by writing catchy tunes, strong lyrics, and pumping beats. Discover song writing techniques that can be used to write music of any genre or style. Experience music technology in action and use techniques for recording and editing that are currently used in the music industry.  

Students will collaborate to write, record, and release a completely original song. They will reflect on their creative process throughout the semester in a creative journal. 

Pre-Requisites: nil 

Career Pathways

Contact Information
Tim Forster
Director of Music

Mrs Rebecca Hall
Dance Teacher