Welcome to Year 8 Course Overview
Elective Subjects Structure:
Students will study a maximum of 6 electives in a year which equates to 3 per semester.
Elective choices must satisfy the following requirements outlined by the School Curriculum and
Standards Authority (SCSA)
Students who select Bush Rangers or are part of either the Dance, Basketball, Netball or Football Academies, will study that elective for the full year, which will count as 2 elective choices.
Students are not required to select any of the Sport Academies as an elective option. These electives will be allocated after selection trials are finalised.
Performing Arts Electives
Visual Arts Electives
Digital Technology Electives
Design & Technology Electives
Further Elective options
*Year long electives
Contact Information
Mr Ernesto Ayala
Deputy Principal of Teaching & Learning
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